- Título: Speeding platform engineering adoption with CNOE
- Idioma: Spanish or English
- Nivel: 300
- Topic: Cloud Native Software Development
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- Descripción:
Platform engineering has been a hot topic for the last few years. It provides faster software delivery while guaranteeing consistency and standardization, and improves the overall Developer Experience
However, Building a platform from scratch is not that easy. There are many choices to make when doing so, and they might have a profound impact on the performance and adoption of the platform in the mid and long term.
Thus, it is desirable to learn from the experience of the teams and companies that have done it first. This is where CNOE (https://cnoe.io/docs/intro) comes in.
CNOE (Cloud Native Operational Excellence) is a framework for building internal platforms that relies on the best practices and experience from reference companies in the Platform Engineering area. It allows the provisioning and testing of different stacks for internal Platforms, based on CNCF technologies.
The objective of this session is to present CNOE, its concepts, its architecture, and an example platform deployed to an AWS environment (https://cnoe.io/docs/reference-implementation/installations/app-idp).
Hola, soy Miguel un apasionado de la tecnología que disfruta ayudando a la gente a aprender sobre ella!
Mi especialidad es la infraestructura en la nube, con un especial énfasis en las tecnologías de containerización.
Actualmente trabajo como Staff Engineering Lead en El equipo de infraestructura de sennder, una empresa de logística digital europea.
A parte de esto, me dedico a la divulgación, participando en conferencias y charlas y a través mi propio blog https://kubesandclouds.com.
Actualmente participo en el programa de AWS Community Builders por tercer consecutivo.